Category Archives: Christianity and Life

Life issues from the eyes of a Christian. Not always a sermon but some thought-provoking words to encourage and hopefully help others to see life from a real perspective.

Being THANKFUL Just Because

If you could think of the FIVE most memorable things God has done for you, what would they be? Not counting that God wakes each one of us every day, feeds us and clothes us. Trust me, I am truly grateful for daily wake ups, food and clothing because God’s word says take no thought about what you shall eat or drink because our Heavenly Father would provide those for us. Right?  Matthew 6

There's always something to be thankful for

Now again, what would be the FIVE most memorable things you would mention, that God has done for you? I’ll go first:

1. He brought me out of darkness and saved my soul. Everyday I am learning more and more about God, salvation and how to live holy. I thank God for not letting me continue in my sinful state, but called me out of it (darkness). 1 Peter 2:9

2. I thank God for my beautiful children and grands. They are truly blessngs.

3. I thank God for how HE allowed me to be placed in foster care and for the first 11 years of my life, had me to live with a GODLY, HOLY, PRAYING WOMAN. God’s ways are not our ways….so HE truly had a plan for my life. When I think of the alternative, even though things were kind of rough, GOD was there with me all the time.

4. I thank God for filling me with His Holy Spirit at a young age. The Holy Spirit is so wonderful and I truly need HIM on a daily basis.

5. I thank God for my husband. He is patient, kind, loving, longsuffering, funny, a peacemaker, and a saved man. He is the best husband for me.

Now, it’s your turn! Ready? Set. Go!!



I Need Your Help

Hi Everyone,

I have just written a booklet about a man who was once saved but, after a few years of being on fire for God, he backslid. It is loosely based on “A Christmas Carol”  as far as the angel taking the man around to show him his former self, present self and future self, and is entitled, The Life of A Christian: Past. Present and Future.

Do you think that it could sell?

Thank you to all who respond.


I Will Praise You, O God!

Tag anyone who you know is going through a rough time right now due to a diagnosis or an ongoing medical condition. Just know that God is bigger than the diagnosis and yes, He is a healer. We just have to remember to keep praising Him through it all. It may hurt…..Praise HIM. You may cry….Praise HIM. You may even ask “why?”, but Praise HIM any way.

I will Praise You O God
through all of the pain
I will Praise You O God
In Sunshine and Rain.
I will Praise You O God
Whatever life may bring
I will Praise You O God
Of Your Love I will sing.
I will Praise You O God
Even through the tears
I will Praise You O God
even through my fears.
I will Praise You O God
Because Your love never ends
I will Praise You O God
Because on You, my life depends.
I will Praise You O God
Because my soul longs for You
I will Praise You O God
Because praise helps me get through.
Through the diagnosis and the doctor reports
and the fear in my mind.
Praise helps me to remember
that You are always on time.
So no matter what, God,
I’ll Praise You and be glad
I’ll Praise You now matter what.
Yes, even through the good and through the bad.
You are worthy O God
You are worthy to be praised.
You are worthy of God
And my arms will I raise
To You to say thank You God
Because I know You are with me
To say Thank You O God
Because I have Victory.
So no matter what it feels like
or looks like too,
I will Praise You O God
For ALL that You Do.

Your daughter
Theresa Jeanette Scott

Rustie MacDonald – Foster Child Advocate

Join us this evening, JANUARY 22, 2015 on Blogtalkradio as we welcome FOSTER CHILD ADVOCATE, Rustie MacDonald. Tune and listen to this child/youth advocate. She has a beautiful story and work. 1-323-693-3054
6 p.m. Eastern Time
5 p.m. Central Time
4 p.m. Mountain Time
3 p.m. Pacific Time

“I was born in 1976 in Lexington, Kentucky.  I was relocated to Florida until 1990. Then in 1990 I moved to Vermont and now I live on the Seacoast of New Hampshire. I have always had this overwhelming desire to help others and this began at a very early age. I was witness to the over whelming poverty of the early 1980’s. As a very young girl, I saw the mile long lines of people waiting for food donation given by the Salvation Army. The severe poverty I lived in and witnessed aroused a great compassion for others and set the stage for my empathetic and giving nature.  At age 4, I had already begun to save food to help the local Salvation Army “feed that long line of people who are hungry.”   Even then, I was determined to make sure no one ever felt alone or without.

As I grew up, I began to volunteer for various organizations. In High school, I advocated in the Juvenile Court system as a Peer Advocate for Foster Youth.  I started a children’s reading group as an “America Reads” volunteer at my local public library. I continued to set the stage of leadership as my High School began a new Award “School Spirit.” In honor of my dedication to my school, I was the first to receive this public award.

265092_1649071246282_5457533_nWhile attending Johnson State College, I was a Big Sister in the Big Sister/Brother Program. I continued to advocate for Foster Youth and was invited by the State Of Vermont’s Children Services (DHS) to Speak at a Foster Care Conference in 1996. I spoke about the difficulty of attending college as a foster child. My motivational speech was made in front of Legislators, DHS employees and 100 foster youth. I speech helped to create opportunities for foster children to attend college. This was an empowering moment for me and a pivotal point in my life. That was the moment I  took the first steps on my path as a coach, mentor and life long advocate”.

Rustie MacDonald PROMO 1-22-15

Need A Great Read?

book coverJanuary 21, 2015 through January 27, 2015.

Tomorrow, my Kindle book will be on sale for $0.99. An Attitude of Love: The Ways of A Godly Wife. It talks about my struggles to be a good wife after having lived a life of abuse, rejection and fake love. Please check it out on Amazon,com

Comments welcome!

The Conflict Between Faith and Fear

Sometimes we make potentially life-changing decisions based on fear of what we see with our natural eyes or by what we can not see by faith.

“Faith”, according to Hebrews 11:1 “is the substance of things “hoped for”, the evidence of things NOT SEEN” KJV.

I have done that and in the end, I made the situation worse. I wanted the problem to be fixed, not only my way, but RIGHT AWAY. At that time, I didn’t have Faith in God, as I had professed, but I did have faith in what I didn’t see. If that makes sense.


Can I tell you this? Don’t make a potentially life-changing decision based on your emotions or based on the UNFAVORABLE circumstances you are facing. If you know God the Father and Jesus Christ His Son, PRAY and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in your decision making. GOD has a plan for YOUR LIFE and HE SEES all that you are going through. HE HAS THE ANSWER…but you must seek HIM for it instead of operating out of your HEAD (emotions). I know     to trusting in an invisible GOD, but TRUST ME, IT’S BETTER TO TRUST IN THE LORD THAN TO PUT YOUR CONFIDENCE IN MAN (INCLUDING YOURSELF). Psalm 118:8

Proverbs 3:5-6 King James Version (KJV)

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

                                                     Praying woman

Pray before you make that decision that could negatively affect your life.
I love you but GOD loves you BEST!

My Youtube Video Interview With Isaac Carree

My Interview with Gospel Recording Artist Isaac Carree – 

My interview with Gospel Recording Artist Isaac Carree. On this video, we discussed his newest single entitled, “Right Now”. It is a song for people who have had enough and are ready for their new season – and they want it RIGHT NOW!
We also discuss one of Isaac’s other songs, “Clean This House”. On that song, Isaac sang with R. Kelly and Isaac described the song as one being for Christians and non-Christians.  Take a listen to the interview. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.



God Saved My Marriage – YouTube Video

God Saved My Marriage Video
This video is #1 in a series where I talk about my book An Attitude of Love: The Ways of A Godly Wife. I will share some real life experiences that my husband and I went through at the worst of our marriage. I will also share how God changed my heart and healed me from all of the baggage which I was carrying.
I was a little girl in a woman’s body, crying out for help. When God knew that I was serious and wanted to change ME, then HE stepped in and helped me to become the woman I am today.
I hope you enjoy these videos and I pray that somebody can be helped after seeing these videos.

God bless you.