Category Archives: Christian Poetry

I Need Your Help

Hi Everyone,

I have just written a booklet about a man who was once saved but, after a few years of being on fire for God, he backslid. It is loosely based on “A Christmas Carol”  as far as the angel taking the man around to show him his former self, present self and future self, and is entitled, The Life of A Christian: Past. Present and Future.

Do you think that it could sell?

Thank you to all who respond.


I Will Praise You, O God!

Tag anyone who you know is going through a rough time right now due to a diagnosis or an ongoing medical condition. Just know that God is bigger than the diagnosis and yes, He is a healer. We just have to remember to keep praising Him through it all. It may hurt…..Praise HIM. You may cry….Praise HIM. You may even ask “why?”, but Praise HIM any way.

I will Praise You O God
through all of the pain
I will Praise You O God
In Sunshine and Rain.
I will Praise You O God
Whatever life may bring
I will Praise You O God
Of Your Love I will sing.
I will Praise You O God
Even through the tears
I will Praise You O God
even through my fears.
I will Praise You O God
Because Your love never ends
I will Praise You O God
Because on You, my life depends.
I will Praise You O God
Because my soul longs for You
I will Praise You O God
Because praise helps me get through.
Through the diagnosis and the doctor reports
and the fear in my mind.
Praise helps me to remember
that You are always on time.
So no matter what, God,
I’ll Praise You and be glad
I’ll Praise You now matter what.
Yes, even through the good and through the bad.
You are worthy O God
You are worthy to be praised.
You are worthy of God
And my arms will I raise
To You to say thank You God
Because I know You are with me
To say Thank You O God
Because I have Victory.
So no matter what it feels like
or looks like too,
I will Praise You O God
For ALL that You Do.

Your daughter
Theresa Jeanette Scott

Need A Great Read?

book coverJanuary 21, 2015 through January 27, 2015.

Tomorrow, my Kindle book will be on sale for $0.99. An Attitude of Love: The Ways of A Godly Wife. It talks about my struggles to be a good wife after having lived a life of abuse, rejection and fake love. Please check it out on Amazon,com

Comments welcome!

The Conflict Between Faith and Fear

Sometimes we make potentially life-changing decisions based on fear of what we see with our natural eyes or by what we can not see by faith.

“Faith”, according to Hebrews 11:1 “is the substance of things “hoped for”, the evidence of things NOT SEEN” KJV.

I have done that and in the end, I made the situation worse. I wanted the problem to be fixed, not only my way, but RIGHT AWAY. At that time, I didn’t have Faith in God, as I had professed, but I did have faith in what I didn’t see. If that makes sense.


Can I tell you this? Don’t make a potentially life-changing decision based on your emotions or based on the UNFAVORABLE circumstances you are facing. If you know God the Father and Jesus Christ His Son, PRAY and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in your decision making. GOD has a plan for YOUR LIFE and HE SEES all that you are going through. HE HAS THE ANSWER…but you must seek HIM for it instead of operating out of your HEAD (emotions). I know     to trusting in an invisible GOD, but TRUST ME, IT’S BETTER TO TRUST IN THE LORD THAN TO PUT YOUR CONFIDENCE IN MAN (INCLUDING YOURSELF). Psalm 118:8

Proverbs 3:5-6 King James Version (KJV)

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

                                                     Praying woman

Pray before you make that decision that could negatively affect your life.
I love you but GOD loves you BEST!

God Saved My Marriage – YouTube Video

God Saved My Marriage Video
This video is #1 in a series where I talk about my book An Attitude of Love: The Ways of A Godly Wife. I will share some real life experiences that my husband and I went through at the worst of our marriage. I will also share how God changed my heart and healed me from all of the baggage which I was carrying.
I was a little girl in a woman’s body, crying out for help. When God knew that I was serious and wanted to change ME, then HE stepped in and helped me to become the woman I am today.
I hope you enjoy these videos and I pray that somebody can be helped after seeing these videos.

God bless you.

I Believe – By Poetess Andrea Taylor Britt

I Believe


When God created the heavens and earth I was not there…but I believe

When Moses witness God PART the Red Sea I was not there….but I believe
When the Angel came to Mary and told her she was favored by God and that Holy Spirit would fall on her and
she would conceive……
I was not there and I still believe
When that same Child grew up to only shed his blood for you and for me
I was not there either….AND I STILL BELIEVE
“Blessed are those who have not seen yet have BELIEVED…….
Are the Words of He
Thank You Jesus for all you’ve done for me..and even if it was nothing


Andrea can be reached on Facebook

Father, I Give You Thanks

There are times
When I’m so filled with angst
Times when I
really don’t “feel” like giving thanks.

But I can’t help it.
Father, I give You Thanks.

There are times
When I’ve felt like giving up
Times when saying “Thanks”
Just doesn’t seem like enough.

But I can’t help it.
Father I give You Thanks.

No matter my circumstance
No matter my pain
Father I will Thank You
Through the sunshine and rain.

When my heart is overwhelmed
or rather filled with joy
I will forever thank You Father
Praising You I enjoy.

I love You Father God
And I give You all my praise
You deserve glory and honor
And to You my hands I raise.

You are such an awesome wonder
So much so I can’t explain
You are such a Mighty God
Praise from my heart shall remain.

What a mighty God
Awesome God
Loving God
Healing God
Forgiving God
Saving God
Delivering God
Sanctifying God
Merciful God
Grace-giving God
Patient God

You Deserve All my praise and more!
I praise You, my God, my all.

Theresa J. Scott

Thanksgiving: A Day or A Daily Attitude?

As I sit and ponder the manifold things which I must do to prepare for this “day” of Thanksgiving, I couldn’t help but think, “Does being thankful begin on November 27th (or whatever the 4th Thursday of November is) and end on November 28 (or whenever the last Friday of November is)? 

My answer is this: I am thankful EVERY DAY that God allows me to live. I am thankful that I have what Jesus talked about in Matthew 6:25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?”

Yes, I have food, drink, and clothes, thank You Jesus. I am thankful that I have a home to live in because in 2009, my husband and I were living from motel to motel. We’ve been living here for almost 4 years.

I am also thankful that God has been our provider, without fail. Through lack and struggle, God has always provided.

I am thankful for being married to the same man for 15 years (November 4). I am thankful because even though it seemed as if our marriage was doomed in the earlier years, we are still here…..Stronger than before! Why/ Because we changed our attitudes and we’re thankful. See, in our marriage, what we THOUGHT was bad, could have been worse. What we took for granted, could have been taken, but GOD, in His infinite wisdom, knew that we would, with His help, overcome every weapon that was formed against our union. For that I am thankful.

I am thankful today to be alive. I have a medical condition that can take a turn for the worse at any moment, but I am thankful to be able to still be above ground, enjoying life, and experiencing new life.

When I look at the sky, I think about Jesus coming through, just behind the angels who will be blowing the trumpet announcing His coming. I’m thankful – EVERY DAY!

When I feel the wind blow, I can’t see it to know where it goes, but I am thankful because it reminds me of the Holy Spirit.

When I see the sun shining, I think about THEE SON of God.….who shed His precious blood for me…..I am thankful.

When I think of my children….how God allowed them to form in my womb….what an awesome experience (one that our male counterparts can never experience…lol), I am thankful – EVERY DAY!

When I reminisce about how God kept me and my loved ones from dangers seen and unseen, known and unknown, I am thankful – EVERY DAY!

So, while Thanksgiving day is the day when most will stop to give thanks, let’s make it a practice and a lifestyle to give God thanks EVERY DAY!

Because I’m Thankful and Happy

When I first heard the song “HAPPY” by Pharell, I liked it for the beat but then I listened to the word. Honestly, I can’t say I understand what “clap along if you feel like a room without a roof” means, but I didn’t let that stop me from being “HAPPY”.

The more I listened to that song, the more I realized that I have a lot to be “HAPPY” about – even though I have had many disappointments (as I am sure many, if not all of you, have). 

I’m thankful and happy that God has allowed me to birth three beautiful children and to assist in raising a beautiful child who came along with my marriage. I don’t call her my step daughter. I count her with my children who are now 31, 30, 28, and 26. 

I’m thankful and happy that I know the LORD GOD and His Son Yahshua/Jesus Christ.

I’m thankful and happy that I’ve been married for almost 15 years……..Yay!

I’m thankful and happy that although I’ve been diagnose with several medical challenges, I am still here, able to do for myself (most of the time) with the help of the Lord.

I’m thankful and happy that I am a grandmother to three (1 by my biological children and 2 by my daughter I gained through my marriage). I don’t call them step grandchildren. They are all my grandchildren.

I am thankful and happy that I have been reunited with my biological siblings. We didn’t grow up together, but I am sure enjoying them now.

I am thankful and happy for WordPress, Twitter, Google, Blogtalkradio and Facebook. On these four sites, I get to share with people of like mind, whom I may NEVER meet in person. 

I am thankful and happy for all that GOD has given, and done for  me, my husband, children, grandchildren, family and friends.

I, Theresa, am a THANKFUL and HAPPY woman! 


How can I say “I love you”
When I won’t even meet your need?
How can I say “I love you”
When you’re hungry
But you I won’t feed?
How can I say “I love you”
And you don’t even have a home?
How can I say “I love you”
And leave you on the streets, alone?
How can I say “I love you”
When you have no clothes for your back?
How can I say “I love you”
When I have PLENTY but I see your LACK?
How can I say “I love you”
And see you sick and in pain?
How can I say “I love you”
If I replace your sunshine with rain?
How can I say “I love you”
And I know you’ve no place to sleep?
How can I say “I love you”
And don’t care how much you weep?
How can I say “I love God”
Whom I’ve never seen
But I see you every day
And treat you oh so mean?
Father please forgive me
For closing my eyes to those in need.
Help me not be selfish
But to always sow a love seed.
TJS ~ 6-13-14